The Webalizer

Active Server Page and Visual Basic Scripts for IIS and the Win32 version of Webalizer by:
Tom Speirs

Win 32 Version of Webalizer by:
[email protected]

Click Here to Download
the Win32 Version of Webalizer:

Webalizer by:
Bradford L. Barrett

These two scripts automate Webalizer to produce Statistics for all IIS Web Sites on the Machine that they are run on.
It can process all Logs, or Logs within a given date range.

They require Webalizer for Win32

There is now a forum for this project here

Download contains an ASP page, that can be run remotely to generate statistics (once IIS has been configured), and a VBS Script that can be run directly on the IIS Server, or scheduled to run using the Windows Scheduler or similar.

Click here to download the Scripts. Instructions are included in the readme.txt file.

Update: 9-November-2005. 
I have just released a new more advanced application that does a similar thing to these scripts but using AWSTATS. See my application IISAWSTATS

Update: 23-October-2005. 
I wrote these scripts for IIS Servers on a LAN. If your receiving hits from internet users, there is one flaw to bear in mind, these scripts do not produce site referrer statistics. If this is a problem for you, and your looking for a free solution that works with IIS, I can highly recommend AWSTATS.

If you use or extend these scripts I would like to hear how you get on. 

Please support free software such as Webalizer.


Click here to see a sample report


Automatic Webalizer
Scripts for IIS.


Webalizer Win32



Webalizer Home Page